Return to Whole 30, Day 28: Return to Dreamland

Michael Nadeau
2 min readMay 28, 2020

You’re supposed to sleep better with Whole 30. I did the last time — that was a big reason why I did it. I went from having terrible sleep scores (according to my FitBit, in the 60s and 70s consistently) to reaching the high 80s. I was sleeping better than I had been in years. Still not sleeping all the way through the night, but I was sleeping longer and better — deeper sleep, more refreshed in the morning.

This time around? Not so much, and it’s been incredibly frustrating.

I plateaued at an 86 sleep score — that’s damn good — and nine hours of sleep on a Friday-into-Saturday about two weeks ago. Since then? Consistently 66–75 scores, with big-chunks of wake-up times at times like 1:33 AM and 3:15 AM.

Gah, it really sucks. I’m waking up in the morning for my workouts and dragging ass because I’m still tired — not because of a bunch of bad food is weighing down my guts like ballast in a submarine. I guess that’s better. Kind of.

Again, it’s not getting to sleep that’s the problem. Not at all. I’m out cold within ten minutes of going to bed. It’s staying asleep. I’ve tried CBD oil, melatonin, reading before bed, blackout curtains, earplugs — everything under the sun save someone coming in and knocking me out with a bowling pin.

It’s goddamn fucking staying goddamn fucking asleep at night that’s the problem. Christ, it’s frustrating. Just eight hours straight, one night in my existence, please. That’s not too much to ask, is it?

Maybe it’s the state of the world. I read that article about the pandemic Freddy Krugering people’s dreams. I don’t usually remember mine, but the few I have during this time period have been terrifying. That could be it. Or maybe I’m just overstimulated — too much media, too much screen time during the day. Maybe I just have a hard time turning my brain off. Maybe there’s something with my diet that’s turning me into Edward Norton at the start of Fight Club. Maybe it’s psychological, and I’m just doomed to be in this Stephen King state for the rest of my existence.

Whatever it is, it’s really annoying. I thought this new round of Whole 30 might be a cure-all for my sleep troubles. I guess that’s not the case. Fuck it, I’ll try the bowling pin.

